Saturday, January 27, 2007

My "Rebuttle"

Hello all..! This is Jace and i wanted to give a few personal touches to my moms last post...

1 We now own a working nintendo 64, a 5 year old PS2 that also works, sadly we just had to retire one of the new slim PS2's due to some processor errors. We have a "Halo" edition X-box, and the X-box 360. We have a Wii (^.^), which is totally awesome it just needs some more games out. * I almost forgot that we also have a Game Cube, it sees the least amount of use but it is still an awesome system.

2 With each of these systems we have some games so here they are... N64 - 12 (we had it the longest). PS2/PS1 - 23 (my favorite). X-box/360 - 11. Game Cube/Wii - 6 (this platform has the least amount available and it is a very serious multiplayer company so not many that are worth while to me)

3 The computers to me are not really a game thing they are more for the internet and comics/cartoons. Now... i use those terms loosely because what they really are is Manga and Anime, both of these are of Japanese origin, but not many know what those are. Manga is the same as comic books except the books are longer and they artistry is better (at least I think so), plus they tend to center around real people that go thru weird circumstances. Anime follows cartoons but it follows the same rules as i mentioned for the Manga ------ If you really want to know what they are like then go to the site ,one i recommend is titled "Ah My Goddess".

4 this really isnt a rebuttle but i wanted to type something so i did........................................

Another thing i thought i might bring up is the post a few days ago about my story... once it is finished i will let my mom put it on but it is not yet finished so no can do.... well time to go kill my friend (metaforically speaking of course) so _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ SEE YA LATER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Jace, it's fun to hear your views on things.
How did the dinner with USU go?
we LOVED USU! We're excited you want to go there