Monday, April 16, 2007

My Mothers hands......

This weekend we were laying tile again.... The only bathroom left to finish is my master bath. Our master bath has a lot of tile to be done, it will take us a few weekends to finish.. But it was a cold, (well for Arizona) blustery weekend so we decided to work indoors. Anyway....

As I was washing off all the tile adhesive from my hands I realized that, with the exception of my long fingers my hands, wrists, arms and elbows look like my Mothers. I remember many times when I was growing up my Mother telling me to just wait, someday I would look just like her. I, being a young know-it-all didn't believe her. But looking at my hands under the running water I realized that she is right. I looked at my feet and realized they look just like hers too, (with the exception of all the scars from hating to wear shoes my whole life.) The skin is looser, the fat pad has moved from the top of my hands to my wrists, and the coloration is different from when I was younger.... The skin on my feet is dry and cracked, just like my Mother's was. My Mother used to try to get someone to rubb her feet because they were so dry they would itch. At least mine aren't that dry. Thank you for pedicures! If my Mother were still alive she would get a real kick out of saying "I told you so..." Therefore, "Mom, you were right, wherever you are!"


1 comment:

Natasha said...

i remember my mom looking at her kneees when I was a kid and saying "I've got my mom's old knees" I was looking at my knees the other day and I'm starting to have my mom's old knees too! Genetics and age. . . bad combination!