Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Independence Day All!@

I love the 4th of July. Just the thought of what we are celebrating puts me in a good mood. It is a good thing I wasn't born before our Independence was won. Jay always says that I hate being told what to do more than anything in the whole world. Just imagine me trying to live in the 1700's. Too all the men, women, and children that fought and suffered for our freedom, those in the 1700's and now, we are ETERNALLY grateful.

The 4th in Arizona is different than anywhere else I have ever been. Just for one reason! It is so dang HOT! We don't have a parade, or spend time outdoors unless you are in the pool. For the 4th this year we made Jace a quilt to take to school. A Brenchley tradition is that the family ties a quilt for each child. Well, we decided to continue the tradition mixing with a Harper tradition, the quilt is presented to the child on High School graduation. The boys were great sports about it and actually helped tie the quilt all afternoon. We had it done in a couple hours but it was fun for all of us. Ok! mostly fun for mom. Jace chose the sheets we used, kind of wild huh.

We also watched movies on the 4th, and went shopping to buy Jay new shorts and swim suits. The 4th is a great time to shop in AZ. Everything is on sale, with extra mark downs for the day. After shopping we had to go swimming just to cool down. We didn't go see all the city firework displays because again "IT WAS TOO HOT". hee hee hee. We did watch firework celebrations from around the country on the internet. What a great blessing the internet is.

Well, all in all it was a great holiday, one of which I didn't get homesick for the freedom festival nearly as much as I usually do. I hope everyone else enjoyed the day and celebrated the fact that we are free. Freedom isn't easy, cheap or painless but it is ours! I can't see the flag, watch the fireworks, hear the anthem, or see a soldier without feeling the tears well up. God, please help us protect our freedom the best we can!

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