Monday, December 04, 2006

Weekend Needed: To rest from the weekend!

Do you ever feel like you went through a tornado, but you never saw it coming or leaving? Our weekend was so busy, fun, and exciting, even the boys couldn't seem to get up this morning. Family visiting is always exciting but with everything else planned it was just a whirlwind.

I do have to thank our families for joining us over the weekend. I know it meant a lot to Jaron. And it meant a lot to Jay and I.

Now it is back to the workweek. Jaron got his braces off last week and gets retainers this week. Jace has to get his cap and gown ordered for graduation at the end of the year. I have to spend one day in Sacramento CA for work and start my christmas shopping. Jay has work and taking care of all of us. I thought the whirlwind would be over now, but looks like it is just beginning.

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