Sunday, November 18, 2007

Football Season!

Here I sit in my normal sunday activity during football season. I am lying in a lounge chair by the pool, reading and watching the birds. I love living in Arizona in the fall/winter/spring. It is 80 degrees with a beautiful bly sky, slight breeze and noisy birds. I love this activity.

In our backyard we have a bird feeder. We also have a fountain. Arizona has a lot of birds all year long but especially in the winter. Even though we don't need to I can't stop myself from feeding them. (Must be from my parents, they were always watching and feeding the birds.) Anyway, the feeder has 8 holes to retrieve seed. But birds being how they are, are always fighting over the holes. Then they start fighting over the bushes around the feeder. The starlings, finches, and such drop as much seed as they eat, but the quail and doves just run around the ground to pick it up. It really is kind of fun. Then of course they need a drink. That is where the fountain comes in. Well, a drink or a bathe, they don't seem to mind either. We love to watch the birds in the fountain. They don't seem to realize how close to the windows they are. (or how much they drive the cats inside nuts.) They also splash a lot of water out of the fountain leaving the plants dying from too much water, and the window spotted all the time. The most amazing is the hummingbirds. They are so vivid and small. But they sit right in front of the window. It is kind of fun.

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