Wednesday, November 14, 2007


My boys love T-shirts with funny sayings. Jace especially has had them for years. But the problem with a T-shirt is it wears out over time. Then you start to forget the sayings that you thought were so funny. Jace and I put our heads together and thought up some of our favorites:

1. He who laughs last, thinks the slowest.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight.... or do I have to walk by again.

3. The leprechans are after my stash.

4. I live in my own little world but they know me here.

5. Don't make me get my flying monkeys.

6. My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental issues.

7. I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want.

8. Note to self - Reds not washed with whites (Pink T-shirt of course).

9. Your not a complete idiot, some parts seem to be missing.

and my favorite!!!!!!:

10. Silent is golden.... Duct tape is silver!

1 comment:

Greg's Life said...

My favorites are #1, #6, and #9. They are all very funny.