Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Ever since I was little I have had a fascination with unicorns. I don't know why, or even what intrigues me so but I just remember it always has. Jay and I even had Unicorns at our wedding.
I am sitting in my office listening to music while I work. The selection playing is "the last unicorn". For all my fascination I haven't ever looked up where the legend of the unicorn came from. I know that they symbolize purity. I know that there are many references to hunting unicorns in Renaissance tapestries. Maybe I should find out more about something I have been attracted to for so long. Don't know why I didn't think of that before now. Got to admit though, they just look so cool.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

i've always wondered if Unicorn babies are born with their horns, or if they grow in later. . . If they are born with them, that would make for some interesting labor!! EEK!