Monday, September 24, 2007

How we met, Jay's Point of View

A friend reminded me yesterday that she had already heard the story below, in fact both versions of the story. Jay, of course, read the account below and told me I got it all wrong! So here is the story from Jay's point of view:

The night before the ward went tubing up American Fork canyon a friend was having a video party at her home. I really wasn't planning on attending but Paul wanted to go and didn't want to go alone. We were friends, nothing more but the fact that we arrived together caused a bit of a stir. Jay was at the same party and during the night made a completely snarky comment about a womens place which forced (completely against my will) me to throw a pillow at him. To this day Jay insists that I was flirting with him.

The next day when I broke my leg Jay didn't plan on going to the hospital, after all he didn't know me that well. But he went to the tubing party with a group of young men and they were all stopping at the hospital. Alas.... he had no choice but to show up in my room. Yes, he saw me with no make up, my hair in knots, white from the meds, and completely dilerious. It wasn't that I looked good. No, it was that he thought, this is as bad as I would ever look and I really didn't look that bad!!!!!

All this happened on a Monday. Jay did arrive in my hospital room on Tuesday with a card and flowers. This time I wasn't dilerious but I did make a big deal about not having on make-up, having my hair now plastered to my head from lying down all day, and I really wasn't confident to having male company. What does Jay say, "that's ok, now I know what you will look like when I lick all your make up off!"

Now you know why I like my version of the story better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your version might be better, but Jay's is very funny. I'm glad you published both, I enjoyed the laugh! :)