Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Ward Newsletter.....

We got a mail message today from the ward we live in. They are doing a newsletter and to make it entertaining they would like stories from individuals in the ward. The story they asked of Jay and I.... How did we meet? This is my answer.....

My husband and I went to high school in the same school but 4 years apart. We never met although we realize now we were in the same place at the same time many times. After we both went to college and he returned from a mission we ended up back in our home town. We met in my hospital room after I woke from anesthesia. We saw each other before that but never said anything to each other. Anyway....

We had both gone to a young adult ward party, tubing up American Fork Canyon in Utah. On my second run down the hill I broke my leg.... Truthfully I pulverized both bones in the lower leg. Being at the bottom of the hill and unable to put weight on my leg I had to be carried back to the top where the cars were waiting. A hill full of LDS boy scouts and no one thought to splint my leg! Needless to say it was painful. It must have been quite a scene but I just grit my teeth and hoped I got to the top in one piece. Taken to the hospital by a guy I arrived with, I had my leg set. When I woke up from surgery, I could make out 12 young men in my room, along with my sister and soon to be brother in law. My sister thought it would be entertaining to determine if I knew who everyone was. It took me a good 15 minutes since I kept falling asleep in between but I got through all 12 by name. The last name was my husband. 5 days later, while still on crutches I went to a ward dance. He asked me to dance. I told him I couldn't dance in a cast to my hip. He proceeded to pick me up and carry me to the dance floor where we danced with me pivoting on one leg.

To this day he says he decided that after tubing in the snow, going through surgery, and waking I didn't look too bad! And after not making a scene or wailing with a broken leg, why would he let me go!!!!!

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