Thursday, April 19, 2007

Is it really only Thursday!

Jay and I have been commenting all week that we are a day ahead. I was convinced yesterday that it was Thursday. Now today feels like it should be Friday. I know it is because of all the things I have had to accomplish in the last week. Mostly finishing all the grouting in the bathrooms.

I grouted on Monday night, then Tuesday Jay and I took the day off. We went to the Dodgers/Diamondback game. I love going to the baseball games, and even in the big arena it is a great event. We had a father with three little boys sitting next to us (the boys ranged from about 7 to 3). They were cute kids and so well behaved. They were so excited to watch the game, but even more excited about all the treats they were having. The family was all decked out in D-back shirts/hats, and of course, each one had their baseball mitt, waiting for a foul ball. I miss of my boys being that age!!!!! As for Jay and I, we really needed that time to relax and enjoy each other. He is the best to go to a ball game with, especially the Dodgers. The game was close scoring all night, going back and forth but because the Dodgers won, it was a perfect night.

Wednesday I was back to grouting again. We have all the tile grouted that we did over the weekend and the master bathroom is really starting to take shape. But as with any project, we get one thing done and two new things pop up. Jay's shower has a windows above it and tiling the windows seal means I now have to touch up the paint. And of course grouting means I have to touch up the ceiling because I forgot to tape it off first. It always seems to happen that way. And then the bathroom will take 3 or four cleanings before it feels like all the dust and grit are gone. Today I am just glad to be back at work even though I can't feel much with my fingers. One of the normal reactions of doing a big job with my messed up hands! :)

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