Monday, April 30, 2007

May Mayhem for sure!

Some weekends you are just glad that they have come and gone, others you feel were just too short... This past weekend, I am torn between both. It didn't feel long enough because we were so busy and did so much I couldn't recharge. I was glad it has come and gone because we were so busy it is a relief to have so much finished. It was quite the weekend.

Jay took off Friday. Jay did the high speed test Thursday night so he was actually working from 8:00 p.m. Thursday to 5:00 a.m. Friday. Therefore he slept all morning on Friday. The rest of the day we didn't want to do anything so Jay and I had a spa day, we got a pedicure, and a massage.... It was wonderful (" sigh ") Saturday we worked on our projects. Jay and I made new cornice's and curtains for the back of the house, washed windows, cleaned the pool, cleaned the house, touched up the tile, watched movies, did the laundry, and purchased supplies to complete the kids bathroom. Sunday was church and more curtains, tile, fixing a big dinner, and doing an extra project for work.

The last thing we did last night was put together our calendar for May.... Anyone with kids knows that May is the busiest month of the year. When we got the calendar done, we noticed we have two or three activities a week for the whole month. With Jace graduating we have the scholarship banquets, and graduation activities. May is mothers day, the fathers/sons outing, appointments at colleges, and much more. Then of course, May begins Jay's working evening/night time hours to do the testing on the rail cars. It is exciting to think of what the month will include, but at the same time exhausting. I often wonder how my parents did it. It is bad enough with two kids but the thought of 8 kids, and being in your 50's is mind-boggling. We are always telling our kids that they have to be patient with us. Were the 8 of us patient with my parents? Something to think about anyway.

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