Wednesday, August 22, 2007

College Boy!

Everyone keeps asking me when I will update my blog... Funny, coming from my siblings that all still list July as their last post!!!! (HINT, HINT).... However, Jace did get off to college this last week. It was a busy week for us as we helped him get packed, did all his school shopping, and sent him off. Jay and he drove up to Logan on Saturday, August 18th. I stayed home with Jaron so he wouldn't miss school. Jay says it took he and Jace all weekend to get his dorm set up, his car taken care of, his books bought, etc. Jace is all ready and truly excited. Today he begins his Freshman connections class. It is a class that just helps freshman get familiar with the campus, meet each other, and build unity as a class. All the other classes won't begin until Monday. I really like that Utah State offered this class, and they get credits too. It will help Jace feel more comfortable with being there when class begins on Monday.

As for Jay and I, we are getting used to Jace being away at school. Jay had a ball going up with Jace. It was really important that it was Jay that took him. They needed to spend a little time just the two of them. Jace gets really uncomfortable when we tell him how proud we are of him, and how much we think of him. But it is much easier for him to accept it from me. He and his Dad needed the time to focus on just the two of them. And Jay loved being able to fly back instead of driving!!!!!!

While they were gone Jaron and I just relaxed. I did clean house and work on a few things but mostly not! Jaron is going through a little bit of shock having Jace gone. He only has us to talk to. It is really funny because after Jay had been home 1.5 he came in to me and said..... "boy, Jaron hasn't stopped talking since I got home..." And it is the truth. Jaron is a great kid, has a lot of friends but he is used to having his brother to talk too. It will be a change for all of us. And for me, I just can't wait for Thanksgiving as I already have Jace's flight arranged so he can come back home! Love ya, bud!!!

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