Jace has to captain the boat while Jay is in the tube. I have to admit, he is as good a captain as his father! Jay didnt' stay in the tube for long, being so tall it is hard on his neck.

And yes, that is me in the middle with both my boys. I am afraid this is how we spent the most time on the lake. Poor Jay was on the boat by himself most of the day. Jaron was so funny, he was the one that was always getting thrown from the tube. We all got launched once but Jaron took the most "AIR". I don't know if it is because he weighs the least or not but he did take off the most. The most dramatic == Jaron did six summersaults on top of the water when he was thrown while riding alone.

When we arrived home from Utah this is what we found. Now that is one cute husband I have! Jace and Jaron thought it was entertaining.
After the hours on the boat yesterday, today we are all home with various aches and pains. Jaron has a sunburn on his face... Or he could just have a water burn from landing on his face too many times. Jay can't move his neck from side to side, and me == I am just trying to care for them all.
I LOVE THAT BOAT!!!!!! It looks so fun! Is that the lake you took us to? I want to come visit and try that tub out it looks so fun. Maybe you should bring it with you in Aug.......Please.......:>
It looks like you guys had a blast. I should have been there to keep Jay company. I would love to just stay on the boat and read. Maybe we will have to come down in May next year and try out the tube.
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