Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lazy White boy walks the dog.

Jace and Jaron are responsible to walk the dog once a day. When summer rolls around in Arizona it gets really hot. It isn't just too hot for the boys to go outside but the road and sidewalks are too hot for the dogs feet. During the summer, the dog is usually stuck with the swimming pool or being chased around the house. (Jaron plays hide and seek with him too.) Recently we watched the dog behaivorist on TV as they put a dog on the treadmill. He decided to try it. After one day, this is the results. Jace had him trained after only about 10 minutes.

It really is a funny thing to watch, Gandolff on the treadmill. I don't think he likes it but he does get exercise. And he does walk!
Jace doesn't get much exercise though.... :)


Heidi said...

I think thats a very good way to exercise the dog, I use to exercse kenzie on moms when she was little!!!!

Just be worried if he starts to turn it on himself! the dog that is.

Are you going to bring the dog with you when you come this next week?????


Tammy said...

Ok Jace, You'll have to come teach all 3 of my dogs how to do that. It would be worth buying a treadmill for that. My Buddy even likes to stand between our legs so he might be easy to train.