Saturday, June 23, 2007

Harpers Harry Potter week.

I think the boys and I are excited for the new Harry Potter movie and book to come out. We have had a Harry Potter week. The first Harry Potter book came out when Jaron was very young. He couldn't read on his own yet so I had to read it to him. I think I read it to him 3 or 4 times. The boys grew up with these stories. When Jaron started reading he would always read the Harry Potter books. (Of course, we didn't realize he had them memorized and wasn't reading them at all until he was in 4th grade.) On Monday Jaron started playing the books on tape again. He started with the Half Blood Prince so when the new book comes up he remembers everything. Yesterday we had a Harry Potter movie marathon and started all the movies. I am surprised at how much I have forgotten. I guess the boys will always love these stories. Not just because they are great stories but because the 4 of us always read and watched them together.
We haven't bought our tickets for the movie yet but we will within the next week. But we already pre-ordered 2 copies of last book, and the book on CD. :)

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Hurrah for Harry Potter! Have have our book pre-ordered, and we got it on CD this time too! I have been watching all the movies and I am knitting yet another HP scarf to wear in the theatre, because they are always cold!