Monday, July 16, 2007

As always, Monday came again!

I always hate Mondays. To some it is just another day of the week but to me, it is back to work. Don't get me wrong, I like what I do but just the thought that my free time is over makes Monday hard for me. This week was a little harder than most because Jay is in Minneapolis. Jay and I usually get up in the morning and get ready for work together. We even car pool into the office together. That makes Monday a little easier but today I did both alone.

We had a wonderful weekend full of nothing but leisure. We watched movies on Friday and just relaxed on Saturday. We did go to the HP movie again on Saturday which I completely enjoyed. Then we started reading the Half Blood Prince when we got home. We have the book on CD so we could all read it together. Of course, I had the book as well because I always have to read on ahead. On CD it just seems so slow to me. On Sunday we played in the pool while we listened to the Half Blood Prince. We were only 1/2 through when Jay let for Minneapolis so he had to load the remaining CD's onto his IPOD. It was kind of funny that we were all so into it. After Jay left I finished the book and crocheted.... I love these kinds of weekends.

The only good thing about Monday this week is we are one day closer to Saturday. Saturday is the release of the final book in the series. I am afraid we are addicted. It is getting so hard to wait.


Natasha said...

i think we are addicted as well. I am afraid that the book will be too big to fit in the Mail-box slot we have and that the mail-person will not leave the book and we will have to wait till monday to get it!
AHHHHHHH I can't wait!

Heidi said...

I agree Mondays are comming way to fast. The summer is almost gone and I have yet to do all I wanted to do!!!

So I would have to say that I agree with you.
Is there such a thing as Harry Potter Anonimous, I think wehave a few family members that need an intervention!!!!!

Why am so out of the loop?
