Monday, July 30, 2007

Monsoon Mundane!

July begins the Monsoon season in Arizona. Monsoons are usually very violent, dusty, windy, wet storms. This year the Monsoon season started really late and has been very weird. Yes we have had the humidity (YUCK!) and the heat but there has been very little wind and rain. Of course, now that I say that we will have a dousy on the way!
Did I mention I hate humidity? My hair goes flat, even out of the shower you feel sticky, and no one has any energy to do anything. Yesterday we were going to go out on the boat. But after church, no one really wanted to so we watched movies all day instead. Everyone just wanted to stay inside, with the air conditioners running, watch movies or read.
Saturday Jay did take the boys over to his Valley Metro Rail Facility on a tour. He was doing a tour for another employee's family so the boys went along. They had a great time seeing all the trains, but the best part was the Brant... Next time I will have to go so I can tell you what all they did. I did hear about the racing around on the security golf carts though.....
While the boys were all gone I cleaned house. It is so nice to clean the house when no one else is home. Takes me half as long and I remember all the little things like dusting the picture frames, cleaning the nooks, etc. While cleaning I listened to Deathly Hallows again. When the boys came home they ended up finishing the book on CD with me. I think we have officially read/listened to it 4 times now. But there isn't anything more interesting to do while you clean!
Jaron starts school in 0ne week. This week he has his open house for seminary and his introduction to High School. To say he is disappointed is an understatement. As for me, I am still trying to figure out where the summer went! Soon we will all be back to the grindstone for sure.


Tammy said...

Boy I do not miss the humidity, it was the one thing about Dallas I do not miss. It sounds like the boys had fun. I also like to be alone to clean only I like loud rock music, Phantom of the Opera or LesMiserables playing while I clean so I can sing along and no one can hear me.

Heidi said...

How funny is that I also like to clean alone but for a very different reason. When I clean alone it actually stays clean!!!! Which is why my house isnt clean (at least really clean) very often. It sepresses me to have one room clean and the go on to the next, only to go back to the first room and find that the little monsters in my house, have done there job.

I cant believe jaron starts so soon. I can at least use that to my advantage!!!! Kenzie starts in 20 days and Brock starts 7 days after her!!!

life is good!!!

debbie said...

wow, back to school already. Where did the summer go? It sounds like Jay's train is coming along, racing on golf carts? is that in his job description? Must be one of the perks. By the way I like to clean to the 80's or just peace and quiet.