Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I like projects! Always have. My latest though has turned out to be a bigger project than I had planned. We didn't own a video camera when Jace was little but we used to rent a video recorder each christmas. The videos at this time were very grainy, hard to see, and usually boring because it was hours of Jace doing what a baby does! When Jace was 4 we finally bought our own but we only have 13 tapes full. I always worry about the tapes stretching or getting broken so my current project was born. I am transferring all these tapes to DVD.

When I started transferring these I realized how many clips I have that other people might like to have. So, I did a little research and started breaking out clips for friends and family. I have now been working on this for 2 weeks. I am only through 8 tapes. Well 8 Hi8 tapes, and 3 VHS tapes. You know, it has been fun to watch the kids grow up again. Jay and I watched the early videos all weekend while they were being transferred to DVD. Jaron and Jace were such sweet little kids. Jace has always been more studious, quiet, and structured. Jaron has always been a little comic, happy go lucky, funny boy. It is easy to forget how lucky we have been with the two great kids we have, especially now that they are teenagers. But they are so cute... then and now, if I don't say so myself.

Those are some big Bombs!

The Diorama is done and Jaron is hiding behind it. As you can see by the three tiny men on the left, those are some pretty big bombs. Lil Boy, The Gadget, and FatMan have never looked so good. :)

Truthfully though, I think I had more fun with it than Jaron did. I learned a lot too. I didn't know the first test in New Mexico wasn't dropped from a plane but exploded from a tower. Jaron is more interested in bombs than I am I guess.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Have you ever heard of a Diorama?

Jaron has an assignment in school to create a Diorama... I have never even heard of a diorama so I had to look it up on the internet... The definition: A diorama is a mini-world, an entire landscape in a box or glass case. Jaron has to make one for school, on of all things the Manhattan Project! It couldn't be something easy like the ocean, or dinosaurs, or even a volcano. It has to be about the making of the atomic bomb. How did we luck into this one?

During dinner yesterday, Jaron laid out a drawing on paper of what he wanted in his landscape. His drawing was hard to make out but his ideas were very good. So after dinner we got out a box (must be 11 X 20 of course) and started working on it. We tried to carve the bombs out of Styrofoam but they were so small that the Styrofoam kept breaking when we were almost done. So we got out the paper mache. I forgot how much I liked working with paper mache. We made the paste, and then couldn't find any newspaper. We haven't had newspaper for years at our house, we don't like the newsprint all over the house. We traveled up and down the block looking for a neighbor who took a paper... We never did find any.

We decided to use discarded printer paper. Jaron and I got started, but the first time Jaron stuck his fingers in the paste, he said " Ehhhhh" and wouldn't touch it again. Jace came over to see what all the noise was about and ended up helping me make the 4 bombs Jaron needed... They look kind of cute if I don't say so myself. Now they are in the windows sill to dry.

I broke it to Jaron this morning that he has to paper mache again tonight to make his landscape. He wasn't at all excited about it but it is his project after all. I will get him to the painting stage and he will think it is much more fun.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

How do you feel successful?

Jay and I had a conversation yesterday about how each individual is different when it comes to feeling successful at life. Every person has multiple facets in life: social life, spiritual life, financial life, etc. But we all want to be a success. We all want to show that we are successful to the world. Jay and I are very different when it comes to success. What brought up the subject is Jay loves toys... By toys, I mean cars, bikes, boats, big house, basically the material signs of success. I think a lot of men are that way, at least a lot of my friends spouses feel the same. I just don't think that way. I don't want a lot of junk to lay around the house looking shiny and unused. I don't want a big house to have to keep clean and organized. This differences is one of the few things that Jay and I don't agree on in life. It comes up more often than it should.

So I decided to figure out what makes me feel successful. I guess, what makes me feel a success isn't something anyone but me can feel. I really don't care what other people see most of the time, (as anyone that has seen me on Saturday morning in a grocery store can attest too.) What makes me feel successful is a project done well but completed, and children that have grown up to be successful mature adults. What makes me feel successful is the experiences I have had traveling to: India, London, Japan, Oregon, NYC and Washington DC. These are all places I have read about but never dreamed as a teenager I would actually experience for myself. And other experiences as well:
  • Creating a family that has lasted 20 years and counting.....
  • Seeing my newborn children for the very first time, knowing God has entrusted these little miracles to me.
  • Watching each of them struggle to learn to walk, to talk, to read, to swim, and to actually master it all.
  • Taking on something that is really scary to me and actually making it through the experience. (Standing in front of an audience, moving to a new environment away from all I have known, etc.)

I guess it could be a sign of growing old (hey, each of these wrinkles were earned over the years) but material stuff just doesn't cut it to me.... They are fun for a while but after a time, it is the experiences we have with the material toy that make me feel successful.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cheating Deliciously

I couldn't get the correct picture but this is close... I promised the boys that we would go out to Chili's while their Dad was gone. Tonight we decided to go. I had my usual salad but did a little cheating on my diet... And it was wonderful!!!! Chocolate cake, fudge topping, caramel topping, and vanilla ice cream. You see, Jace wanted dessert but didn't want to eat it all himself. I could share a little bit...

One bite and I realized I haven't had chocolate, real chocolate, since early november! All in all, it was one of the nicest things Jace has ever shared with me.

I also decided that I needed that dinner tonight... Yes, I had to walk extra long on the treadmill tonight but I think it gave me renewed resolve to continue this diet. It is hard to change a habit, or a lifetime of them. However, I am determined to live the next 20 years in the best possible health I can... I told Jay that for mothers day we will be going back to Chili's, just for dessert!~ Something to look forward too - only 3 months away.

Talk about a good night! I also got my nails done and one of the best pedicures I have had in a long time. They used hot black rocks during the massage portion of the pedicure. I haven't ever experienced that but it really did feel good. I could have fallen asleep in that chair!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Family time with just mom

Jay is traveling today to Boca Raton Florida for work. He isn't one that is excited to travel but it comes with the job. You would think that when Jay leaves for a few days, the boys and I would just relax and do nothing. But it doesn't work that way. For some reason when Jay leaves I make a list. The list consists of everything I plan to do while he is gone. Currently THE LIST is over a half page of a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. Nothing is too small to appear on the list, things like: Jace turn in applications for a new job, Figure out ceiling paint color, clean kitchen, water plants, etc. It is just that when Jay is out of town I get a great urge to do all kinds of little projects. Now, if only the boys would get the same urge.... Maybe I can find a way to bottle the urge and give it to them as well. Jace and Jaron like the first idea better, just relax and do nothing!

Today we also had to get the pool pump fixed. Yesterday we noticed it was leaking a bit. Luckily it wasn't much, just an O-ring. That was a relief. We also got improved by the HOA to put stone accents on the front of the house... What fun... Another new project for Jay to work on.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Talk about a weird weekend!

Usually long weekends are my favorite, but this has been a really strange one. We have been busy doing things but nothing seems to be working out right. Over the weekend we painted the boys bedrooms. The boys rooms were the only rooms in the house that hadn't been repainted since we moved into the house. Jace's room was a lot of fun. We wanted to make it a little darker, more restful, and more grown up. We painted the room a dusty blue with on accent wall of brown. Jace helped me paint it but it was a much bigger job than I thought it would be. Of course, that could be because we were also tiling our last display nook on the main floor between jobs. His room looks really good and definiately more grown up. He has decorated it in different things from Japan. All we need to do is make him a new comforter with a dragon on it. Jaron's room we painted a lite blue. His room is smaller so it can't be a dark color. When it was done, Jaorn insisted that everything be put back up just the way he had it. He is kind of a funny kid. But he knows what he likes and how he likes it.

I am tired after all the painting but I found out I kind of messed up! I didn't know my work didn't have the day off for the holiday! I didn't find out until I logged onto my mail at 8:00 tonight. Now I am trying to get reports finished at 12:00 midnight. What a thing to miss. I haven't worked at many companies that don't have President's holiday off. That is definiately a new one to me.

While I was painting I was trying to come up with a list. A list of things I don't like to be exact. Hate is to strong of a word, but I did come up with a few.

1> Intolerance
2> Poor customer service
3> Spilling light blue paint on the white carpet!
4> Dust
5> Being Tired

Friday, February 16, 2007

The old and the new!

It is kind of funny! I was going through pictures and found some we took of our house in Arizona the week we moved in. I can't believe how different the house looks now. I wouldn't be the judge of whether it was better or worse but I know I like it. We are definiately not a less is more type family! :)

The living room:

The Family Room:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day, ALL!

Today is valentines day! I love holidays but since my oldest son was about 3 years old, Valentines has been a childrens holiday. I have a ball preparing cards and candy for all their little friends. But this year, our boys are both teenagers... Hence, no cards, or candy for all their little friends. Jay and I wished each other a great day, provided a little PDA for the boys, and went about the day. We go out to dinner just the two of us but we really don't need a scheduled day to celebrate what we have. But I miss the activity of the day so everything was only the same until they all came home from school and work!

I decided since I don't have a bunch of kids to provide valentines for, I will just provide big valentines for my favorite kids! All THREE of them. Making the valentines proved to take a few tries as they just kept growing and growing until they escaped the pan in the oven. Luckily I made a lot of extra dough. The final results were much more than I had planned on handling. Take a look:

Jay's isn't frosted because I am thinking of his health. Didn't want him to have too much sugar.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Day

Today is random day. Random thoughts keep going through my head, and I wonder why things are as they are:

Random thought 1:
We bought all new appliances when we remodeled the kitchen. I love them but our fridge door doesn't swing shut like our old one did. It has a mechanism that when you swing it past that point it will shut itself. I just walked into the kitchen and the fridge door was open. I hadn't closed it past the point it would shut istelf. Why doesn't it just swing shut from the beginning?

Random thought 2:
It is raining outside, and in the high 50's. Our neighbors are putting in a new hot tub and heating element for their pool. I hear the workers outside now. Should they be running power tools in the rain?

Random thought 3:
Gandolff just walked into the office. He has a big smudge of dirt on the top of his nose. He must have found a bone to bury in the back yard. He always buries them but never digs them up. Why bother burying them?

Random thought 4:
All the plants in the neighborhood are brown and ugly. Are they ever going to grow new leaves? When you put up with the head of summer, the treat is the green all winter long... No green this year.

Random thought 5:
My dog snores! At least I hope that is him snoring as I am home alone right now.

Random thought 6:
Jay bought a Colts balloon for the superbowl. We usually do buy balloons to make the day more festive. His balloon is still in the air in the kitchen. What did they put in that balloon that the helimum would still be up 10 days later.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Weekend Warriors

I love the weekend! I live for the weekend.... Our usual weekend is full of going here, going there, errands, cleaning, projects, and yard work. But this weekend we decided to be different. Jace had an eye checkup but other than that we haven't done anything but snack and watch movies. Now that is my kind of weekend. Oh, don't get me wrong, we had all these big plans to accomplish a miriad of work, we just didn't do it. Jay and I woke up with the idea, we haven't seen a movie in a long time. Then we decided, well, we have so many movies we missed that are no longer in theatres.... We ended up renting 12 movies, it will be a blockbuster weekend....

Jace did have to work today, he works every weekend... It was so nice of him to be responsible for the rest of us. Such a great kid!

Right now we are taking a break as the boys exercise the dog a bit. When the dog gets restless we know he needs exercise, but the boys didn't feel like taking him outside. It is the funniest thing to watch. One goes upstairs, the other stays down. They start calling him one at a time, then hide.... Have you ever seen a dog play hide and seek. It is quite entertaining.... And as he trys to run at full speed on the tile, his claws are just slipping... Jay started yelling, "more pad, less claw!". The dog will run at full speed on the travertine but move only a few feet... Until he hits carpets, or rugs... Then the kids better watch out, he is on his way. Jace was running round the downstairs from room to room, but you can't fool the dog. He just doubles back and Jace screams in shock as the dog is coming right at him... Jay and I just can't keep from laughing!

What a great way to spend a weekend!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Pets - What's up with them!

Our household has three pets; a German Shephard dog named Gandolff, and two cats, Harley and Shanti. I have to be honest, the dog is mine... Jay is all about cats. Therefore, we have a houseful of pets.

We got Harley as a kitten. He was so sweet. We got Shanti a year later as a one year old. Shanti was sick when we got her, it took a full three weeks to get her well. Anyway, our pets have a dynamics all their own.

Harley and Gandolff get along well. It is the funniest thing to see a big dog eating lunch with a cat between his legs waiting for him to drop something. Right now, Harley is up on Gandolffs bed. Gandolff is asleep on the floor next to the bed. Gandolff usually doesn't allow Harley to keep his bed but he did today. Now Shanti is asleep on the table next to him. Gandolff and Shanti only tolerate each other. Gandolff will chase Shanti if he an get away with it. Must be a boy/girl thing!

Harley is our morning cat... Doesn't matter the day of the week, he will start purring in Jay or my face at 6:00 in the morning. He also owns our master bath. Anyone in the bathroom has to stop and pet him or he will continue to rub against you until you do. Shanti stays out of the master bedroom, hanging mostly in the boys room. But she is also our lap cat. However, true to a torti, it is only on her terms. If you visit and you don't like cats, she will head right to you. At least she lets us sleep.

It is good to have pets though. The boys have someone to take care of, someone to walk, and someone to clean up after. And they definiately make us laugh. Keeps you young!

Monday, February 05, 2007


I have never been one that equates my worth with my size and shape. My asset has always been my brain, not my looks. But as with most people as I got older, I got larger. I never really dieted or exercised as a young person. It really wasn't important to me. I have dieted twice in my life counting now. When I decide to diet I always do it seriously, with great determination, and decent results. This time it was because I don't want to have limited motion later in life due to my joints. I am an independent creature all the way. So to meet that end I went into a Dr. assisted weight loss program.

In the last few months I have lost 30 pounds. It hasn't been easy by any means, and I am learning a lot of self-control in the process. Some days are good days, some not so good. But every day is a new chance to do it right. I was thinking at lunch today, what are the three things that contributed most to my weight gain: 1) Eating fast. I was raised in a household with 8 kids. We always had enough to eat but if you didn't eat fast, you found someone else eating off your plate!... We always teased my brother about that. 2) I married a man that can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Always has been able to until the last few years. Feeding him when we were first married was like feeding a male teenager. Eating the same portions he did was not a good thing. 3) I never much cared for exercise. My favorite form of exercise was to sit by the pool and read a good book! I think it should be an Olympic event! I would clean up.

Maybe I should add a fourth! I love Diet Coke.... Jay always says that I should carry around an IV of Diet Coke. Now DC isn't necessarily hard on a diet but carbonation isn't good for you and drinking as much as I usually do causes me not to drink enough water.

Today as I was eating lunch contemplating my diet I realized one thing good about being on a medical diet plan.... You can't eat fast when you are spending half your time picking out what you can't eat! And I was having a salad.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Addiction to tile?

In the last month we have done a little tile, and a little more tile, and a little more tile! We can't seem to stop. Is there a class for this, some quick fix to stop? Do we need help?

Jay redid the tile in the downstairs bathroom and the kids bathroom upstairs for my christmas. I love it, it is so much nicer to have it done. Well, after finishing the bathroom we thought it would be fun to do the fireplace, and then behind the fountain. Of course, then we have to do above the fireplace.

It does look so much better, and is 10 times easier to clean. And the best part... Jay decided to forgo his Annual Super Bowl Party today so we could finish. We had it done in time to watch the Colts win in comfort, and enjoy the results of a couple days labor. I have to admit, I do love it. Now we have a few more display nooks to tile, another entry wall, and our master bathroom. Just a little bit, but it is fun. Jay does the cuts, I lay it and grout. We are a great team.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Aggie's aboard!

Well, it looks like it is done! Jace, Jay and I went to the reception for USU in Mesa, AZ. We are so proud of Jace and he is exstatic! During the reception he was able to turn in the remaining paperwork he needed and was awarded a non-resident scholarship to attend USU. I think the reaction on Jace's face when they placed the award in front of him said it all. He was downright shocked. We had expected to go to the reception to discuss residency issues. But with one look at his ACT/SAT scores and transcripts he was handed a scholarship! What a surprise! He hasn't even applied for scholarships yet. Something we planned to do that night but it hasn't been done yet. Residency is no longer an issue but it is still something we could pursue.
Jace received a Utah State University hoodie at the reception. He took it off for bed, but has had it on since. I don't think I have seen him so excited about something in a long time.
Of course, when we looked up the dorm rooms online, he wondered about College life! Jace has never in his life shared a room with someone else. Now, everyone needs to experience sharing a room in their life!