Monday, February 05, 2007


I have never been one that equates my worth with my size and shape. My asset has always been my brain, not my looks. But as with most people as I got older, I got larger. I never really dieted or exercised as a young person. It really wasn't important to me. I have dieted twice in my life counting now. When I decide to diet I always do it seriously, with great determination, and decent results. This time it was because I don't want to have limited motion later in life due to my joints. I am an independent creature all the way. So to meet that end I went into a Dr. assisted weight loss program.

In the last few months I have lost 30 pounds. It hasn't been easy by any means, and I am learning a lot of self-control in the process. Some days are good days, some not so good. But every day is a new chance to do it right. I was thinking at lunch today, what are the three things that contributed most to my weight gain: 1) Eating fast. I was raised in a household with 8 kids. We always had enough to eat but if you didn't eat fast, you found someone else eating off your plate!... We always teased my brother about that. 2) I married a man that can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Always has been able to until the last few years. Feeding him when we were first married was like feeding a male teenager. Eating the same portions he did was not a good thing. 3) I never much cared for exercise. My favorite form of exercise was to sit by the pool and read a good book! I think it should be an Olympic event! I would clean up.

Maybe I should add a fourth! I love Diet Coke.... Jay always says that I should carry around an IV of Diet Coke. Now DC isn't necessarily hard on a diet but carbonation isn't good for you and drinking as much as I usually do causes me not to drink enough water.

Today as I was eating lunch contemplating my diet I realized one thing good about being on a medical diet plan.... You can't eat fast when you are spending half your time picking out what you can't eat! And I was having a salad.

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