Monday, February 19, 2007

Talk about a weird weekend!

Usually long weekends are my favorite, but this has been a really strange one. We have been busy doing things but nothing seems to be working out right. Over the weekend we painted the boys bedrooms. The boys rooms were the only rooms in the house that hadn't been repainted since we moved into the house. Jace's room was a lot of fun. We wanted to make it a little darker, more restful, and more grown up. We painted the room a dusty blue with on accent wall of brown. Jace helped me paint it but it was a much bigger job than I thought it would be. Of course, that could be because we were also tiling our last display nook on the main floor between jobs. His room looks really good and definiately more grown up. He has decorated it in different things from Japan. All we need to do is make him a new comforter with a dragon on it. Jaron's room we painted a lite blue. His room is smaller so it can't be a dark color. When it was done, Jaorn insisted that everything be put back up just the way he had it. He is kind of a funny kid. But he knows what he likes and how he likes it.

I am tired after all the painting but I found out I kind of messed up! I didn't know my work didn't have the day off for the holiday! I didn't find out until I logged onto my mail at 8:00 tonight. Now I am trying to get reports finished at 12:00 midnight. What a thing to miss. I haven't worked at many companies that don't have President's holiday off. That is definiately a new one to me.

While I was painting I was trying to come up with a list. A list of things I don't like to be exact. Hate is to strong of a word, but I did come up with a few.

1> Intolerance
2> Poor customer service
3> Spilling light blue paint on the white carpet!
4> Dust
5> Being Tired

1 comment:

Natasha said...

# 6 on my list would be. . .CAT HAIR. . or pet hair in general. I think we keep the lint-roller company in business!