This is MY dog with Jaron. I say he is my dog because although he is the family dog, he is especially attached to me and I to him. Anyway, Jay has a love/hate relationship with my dog.... Case in point:
I walked upstairs to look for any stray dirty clothes to put in the wash. In my bedroom the dog has a bed. It is next to my side of our bed. As I was searching I found my husbands shorts and tshirt on the dogs bed.... "hum," says I..... How did Jay's clothes get on the dogs bed? After all he takes off his clothes on his side of the bed. I usually find his clothes on the floor next to his side of the bed... "Hum," says I again.
I call Jay. The conversation goes like this.... "You didn't by any chance throw your clothes at the dog last night when you were going to bed?" says I. Jay answers, "Of couse not, as I was taking my clothes off last night, I slipped. In the process of catching myself my clothes were flung across the room and landed on the dogs bed." "Was he in the bed at the time?" says I. "I recall he was in the bed when they started toward him, but he wasn't by the time they landed." Jay replies. "How did they get rolled into a complete ball?" says I. "The ceiling fan", says Jay. NOW, THAT'S A TRICK!
Don't get me wrong... When the dog needs someone to play with, wrestle with, or chase, Jay is the first one he turns to. When the dog cut himself, Jay was the first one to take care of him. And most of all, when he doesn't think I am looking, he is giving him tons of loves....
But, there isn't anyone in the house Jay would rather tease more than the dog.
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