Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hair Apparent!

Have you ever liked your hair style? Have you ever had a really (and I mean really) bad haircut? I hate dealing with my hair! Actually, I like my hair it is just the salons, cuts, color jobs, etc. I don't like to deal with. A case in point:

When I first moved to Arizona I cut my long hair off. It was short to me, although not short to some people. It was just above my shoulders. I loved that cut. I could do my hair one day and not deal with it the next. It just looked good and was so easy. The stylist that cut it had been cutting my hair for some time. I had that cut for a few months and then the stylist just left the salon. I haven't been able to get that cut again. Since that time I have been growing my hair back out (I promised my friends daughter I would because she liked to play with my long hair). It looks better shorter at my age but it is also hot if I can't pull it up. In December I had my hair cut on short notice at a local quick cuts type place. It was odd because she sent me out the door after the cut with my hair still dripping wet... When I got home I found out why. I had bangs that were shorter at the crown than at the part... I mean she had cut a lock of hair at my crown 2 inches shorter than the rest.... (Whoever said a bad cut is only 2 week away from a good one, was really wrong!) Needless to say I have suffered through 2 months of bad hair days.

Last night I went to get my hair cut again. I am still trying to find a new salon that I like so I tried someone new. I took in a picture of the cut I used to have and would like to go back to. When I left the place my hair was 100% better than when I went in but it still isn't the same cut. Jay looked at it and said, "It isn't short enough". I knew he was right when I left the salon but they had cut 2 inches off everything so I decided to try it. By 9:00 last night I realized I will be going back today to get more cut off. It just isn't the same. Not as easy to deal with. I need simple!

So the saga of my hair continues. Maybe some day I will figure out how to explain what I really want.

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