Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ring, Ring, is anyone home!

I have often been told Jaron is a lot like me. My dad would snicker as he watchs Jaron and I interact. He would say, "it is always fair when you get a child just like you." Well, one way we are the same is we both liked the phone as a teenager. I often remember being on the phone with my best friend Gina for hours at a time. We would spend all day together only to go home and spend all evening talking on the phone. I have no recollection of what we had to talk about... but we did talk.... ALOT. (Maybe it is Karma that I went on to work for call centers!!!~)

Jaron has friends in two states. He has lots of friends so our house is usually occupied by at least one other young man than is supposed to be over. When the friends go home (usually because the parents have called for the 12th time), Jaron will start something else and get on the phone. He has even started to 'borrow' my cellular earpiece so he can be "hands-free". It was a bit of a relief that he wasn't just walking around the house talking to himself.

Today I was talking on the phone to my sisters. I talked to one for an hour or so, only to have another call. (I have 5 sisters so it could have been a long night!) Anyway, who was following me around trying to get me off the phone? Who was complaining when I got off that he had been waiting for hours to talk to me? You got it!!! Jaron. Gotta love that boy! Just like me!

The picture above has nothing to do with the phone but I thought it was funny. Look ahead to the next blog to see what it applies to.

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